June 2022 Monthly Chapter Meeting
Calvin Martin - Topic: Mental Fortitude
You may have noticed that in many cases it is not the smartest people that are the most successful or even the most fulfilled in life. Having a high IQ, being clever, talented or skilled is not enough. The ability to manage your feelings, understand the feelings of others, and manage the interaction with others is highly impactful. This skill makes a difference!
This seminar will define exactly what makes up Mental Fortitude- the artful combination of Grit and Emotional Intelligence (EI). It will help you understand and identify areas of improvement of your own EI: how to harness and manage your emotions to build the brand you want for yourself. Grit is the passion and resilience to help you get there. EI with grit is now understood by many people as the skill to master to unlock your true potential.
At the end, this session will change the way you perceive emotions. Instead of thinking of emotions as being positive or negative, you will learn that all emotions have our best interest in mind. Mental Fortitude will allow you to heighten your overall effectiveness and improve your personal and work life.
President, Chattanooga PMI is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: June 2022 Monthly Luncheon Meeting
Time: Jun 16, 2022 11:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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