November Chapter Social
Join the PMI Chattanooga Chapter as we explore how yoga can help you be a better communicator.
Opening Your Communications Chakra - a Camp 'in'
Experience: Begin to learn how to be a conscious communicator and leader through simple yogic techniques.
Bring your own seating (mat, camping chair, lawn chair, stool) to this exploration of how yoga techniques can help you with communications, as well as stress management.
Events includes:
- the benefits of yoga for mindful communication and stress relief
- interactive exercises and basic standing yoga postures
- complimentary hor d'oeuvres and beverages
- 1 leadership PDU
Chattanooga Yoga School, Inc.
116 Cross Street, Chattanooga TN 37405
Speaker: Madia V. Swicord - Chattanooga Yoga School Owner and Lead Trainer
Madia Swicord is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga Teacher and Yoga Teacher Trainer. She has an extensive background in helping people with physical and emotional pain relief. Her passion is to assist someone on their journey to self-discovery and awakening to more energy and joy via a variety ancient and modern mind/body techniques. She has advanced training in Yoga Psychology and is a Graduate of the Professional Hakomi Mindfulness Training of "assisted self-study" that is threaded into her yoga classes and her private sessions. She has been trained in Presence Based Coaching and is utilizing these techniques in all that she offers. She is dedicated to sharing timeless wisdom techniques for mind-body health, deeper life fullfilment and emotional healing.
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